Are you feeling overwhelmed and unmotivated to clean up your home? If a messy house leaves you feeling anxious and depressed, then it’s time to give some much-needed attention to this area of your life. Let’s talk about how to declutter when you’re depressed.
It may not be easy, but it’s possible—and we’re here to help! Decluttering when depression has taken its toll isn’t simple. By following a few reasonable steps, you can clear the clutter in your headspace as well as in any cluttered corners of your home.
Utilize our tips below and begin creating an organized environment where peace can thrive again!
Decluttering One Small Area of Your Home, Such as a Desk or a Closet

Starting to declutter when we’re feeling down can seem like an impossible task. Yet taking the first step and focussing on decluttering one small area of our home can make us feel so much better.
Whether it’s a desk filled with paperwork, our wardrobe overflowing with clothes or a single drawer stuffed with odds and ends, starting with one thing at a time usually helps. Taking that one small step is often enough to help motivate us towards further progress.
Even the smallest act of sorting through some clutter can make all the difference. It can help us feel more positive and give us the confidence to tackle more difficult tasks in our life.
Don’t Try To Do It All at Once – Take Your Time and Break It Down Into Smaller Tasks

If you’re feeling down and realize your space needs some decluttering, don’t try to attack it all at once! It can be overwhelming to think about getting rid of so much, but break it down into small steps.
Maybe focus first on cleaning out one room or even just one corner of a room. When you feel like making more progress, you can tackle another area. Trying to do too much too quickly can exhaust and frustrate you. Take it nice and slow. Focus on what’s achievable in the moment and then give yourself credit for crossing off that goal!
Ask for Help From Friends or Family Members if You Need It

Decluttering when you’re dealing with depression can be an overwhelming task, but it doesn’t have to be done alone. Reach out and ask for help from friends or family members. They will likely be able to lend a hand and offer emotional support as well.
Talking about your situation could lead to insightful advice. Brainstorm with them about how to tackle the clean-up process or other strategies for managing depressive episodes.
Receiving help and kindness from those closest to you can provide a strong sense of comfort when going through tough times. Gather some allies and get on the road towards a more organized life.
Create a “Declutter Zone” in Your Home Where You Can Put Things That Need To Be Sorted Through Later

One of the best things you can do when struggling with depression is decluttering your home and workspace in order to clear your mind. An excellent place to start is by creating a “declutter zone.”
This is any area in your home – be it a corner of the living room, a table in the kitchen or an unused cupboard. You can put away all those little items that need organizing but might feel overwhelming for you at this time.
Decluttering doesn’t have to mean throwing everything away. Instead, think of it as an opportunity to sort through items. Create some breathing space for a clearer and tidier headspace. It can be a great way of taking back small doses of control within your own environment. Seeing tangible progress bit by bit without doing too much at once.
Make Sure You Have Enough Storage Space for Everything, Both Inside and Outside of Your Home

It’s important to make sure you have plenty of storage space both within and outside of your home. Try to assess how much room you need for items, where that space should be kept, and how to maximize the existing storage solution you may already have.
If necessary, invest a little time in researching what other ways you could create more storage space. Looking for hanging solutions or utilizing the walls of your home for shelves are great starting points!
Having temporary storage solutions on hand can also be incredibly useful if there’s too much clutter and not enough space. These might include baskets or bins that can hide away items until they’re needed again.
Reward Yourself With Something Fun After Completing Each Task

When depression and messiness collide, it can leave you feeling overwhelmed and paralyzed. To make the task more manageable and enjoyable, why not reward yourself with something fun after completing each task?
This could be anything from taking a hot bubble bath or watching an episode of your favorite show, to enjoying a scoop of ice cream or appreciating some fresh flowers from outside.
Rewards don’t have to break the bank either – listening to your favorite song, drawing a picture in your journal, snuggling with your pet – even giving yourself an appreciative hug can work wonders! So make sure to treat yourself kindly and know that if you put in just a little bit of effort into giving your space some TLC, you’re making progress.
Benefit: Decluttering Your Home Can Help You Focus On What’s Important

Decluttering when you’re feeling down can be a great way to regain control over your space and your life. Not only will clearing out physical clutter help bring relief and clarity to your home, it can also provide an opportunity to assess what physical possessions are important and necessary in your life.
You may even surprise yourself with the sheer amount of unnecessary or unfulfilling belongings that have accumulated in your home.
By getting to work on decluttering, we often also inadvertently improve our mental health by giving ourselves a sense of accomplishment that comes with completing a project.
And once the job is done, you’ll have more open space and time to enjoy activities that really energize and foster creativity. Decluttering gives us more opportunities to recognize the beauty that already exists in our lives rather than continually striving for something that may never come.
Benefit: It Can Make Your Home Feel More Spacious and Comfortable

When you’re feeling especially down in the dumps, it can feel like an impossible task to get motivated and work on improving your mood. However, decluttering can prove to be a beneficial exercise both physically and mentally.
Decluttering your surroundings can help create a sense of space and much-needed comfort which can be invaluable when you’re feeling overwhelmed by depression or anxiety.
Essentially, it’s about creating a positive environment around you; one free from stress and chaos. Don’t underestimate how much better your home can feel after having seen it tidied up. Use this as motivation to keep going.
Benefit: You’ll Be Less Likely To Lose Things if Your Home Is Decluttered

Not only will your home look more welcoming and inviting, but it will become easier to find things. When our daily life is full of chaos and mess, we lose track of the essentials and important tasks are forgotten or put off until later.
By taking the time to clear the clutter out of our homes, we create a more open environment that makes us feel better while also allowing us to be less likely to misplace important objects.
It might take some effort, but when you step back and take in the results, you’ll find that living with less stuff not only relieves stress, but it also provides a sense of accomplishment too.
Benefit: It Can Be Easier To Clean a Decluttered Home

Feeling overwhelmed is a common symptom of depression, so it’s no surprise that many people find decluttering to be a helpful tool in managing their symptoms. It can be easier to clean and maintain an organized home than one that’s cluttered as you’ll know exactly where everything belongs.
Even if stuck for motivation, it’s less effort trying to organize things when you have less stuff! Decluttering can provide almost immediate results too, allowing you to experience instant satisfaction from seeing a visibly tidier space.
What’s more, it helps to clear your mind and keeps the atmosphere at home calm, both of which assist with improving how you feel; with an uncluttered space this makes tasks such as relaxation or sleeping much easier.
So if you’re feeling down or struggling with clutter, give yourself permission to throw out the things you don’t need or use.